Ah, what a day the 30th turned out to be. Anna and I and Low and Krull left Chapel thrill without a hitch (although perhaps a bit late). Here is the rough timeline for the day:
6am- wakeup, punch anna in the stomach.
6:30- leave for lab to stimulate T cells.
8:00- help Ginnie move a compost pile roughly 80 yards down the street to her new house.
10:00- buy a 1-2 car outlet converter to power our GPS and XM radio! nice!
2:00pm- multiple car gauges go wild, which means I have no idea how much fuel is in the tank, how fast I am going, and the rpm's......very foreboding.
2:10- all electrical fails in the car, luckily I just got off the highway and was still on the off ramp as I coasted to a stop.
3:20-Paid for the alternator; mechanic with poor dental hygiene brought to my attention a little problem......Anna's tags were expired! (Women)
3:25- Made it to the DMV.....actually not Anna's fault, and they gave her tags so we are now street legal......Anna avoided corporal punishment.
6ish- Lowrider pukes up the equivalent of a clear, mucus-like squid creature onto my shorts (Li LoBue called it right).
7ish- realize the right side of the two pronged converter didn't actually work, now we are back to square one.
8:00- Reach the mainou-thornburg residence. Dogs got into a little scuffle, most likely because Lowrider is an annoying little punk.
The day ended with a great chicken dinner (thanks chef Bernie), had some choice colorado beers and put the women and children to sleep.
All in a days work I guess. Hope day 2 is more smooth.