We figured, why stop there? So we went hog wild at the nursery and bought a bunch of flowers, ornamental grasses (my favorite), bushes, and trees to install in the flower bed. I thought we would wait til next spring, but the ants arrived in the pants early. It happens. Our very nice neighbor George even brought us a 'yard warming' plant to put it the garden. It is the big broad- leafed tropical-looking one in the back. I love it! And just FYI, we don't tell Lowrider to pose when we're taking pictures. He is simply a camera hog.

We still had a few sections of bare dirt where we didn't put grass, like along the driveway and under the evergreen bushes in the front, so I picked out some rock (appropriately called "ginger rock"--most of you know why that's funny) to fill in the space. We used leftover flagstones to build a path up to the gate and behind the house.

The almost final touches have included some solar lights, a flowering plum tree, some big old flower pots, tiki torches, a patio heater, and a wireless speaker. To celebrate the very near completion of our yard, we held an inaugural grill christening, where Derek used his monstrosity of a grill for the very first time. We made burgers, drank Octoberfest, and tried out some homemade baked beans. YUM!

1 comment:
Your yard looks awesome! Great job! Your dog is still dumb.
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