Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We camped in Teton National Forest last night. Grand Teton National Park campgrounds were all full so we drove a few miles out to another campground on a lake. It was totally gorgeous. We had to stop and wait for some buffalo to cross the road in front of us on the way there. Then we bought some dawgs and some beer and made a campfire. I love camping. Unfortunately, a ranger man stopped by to tell us that a cougar was spotted in our very campsite that morning, so we should be careful. This meant that Lowrider had to sleep in the tent with us so he wouldn’t be eaten. In the middle of the night I awaken to what sounds like a cat mewling. I nearly crapped my pants. I’m laying there frozen, expecting a cougar to pounce on the tent at any moment. Derek and Lowrider were of course sound asleep. I hear this sound several times. Then I realized that Derek is making goddamn cat sounds in his sleep. I don’t know if I was relieved or pissed. I also had to pee really bad, but I was scared if I got out of the tent to go to the bathroom, the cougar would suddenly appear and kill me. Long story short, I did not sleep well last night, and cougars suck.

Because we stayed at a campground that had no showers, we drove into Jackson, WY, this morning and bathed at a hostel. It was kind of weird, but Jackson Hole is totally awesome. Everyone should visit.

1 comment:

Myrtle said...

LOWRIDER went OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!! Now you two have that in common. :) Hilarious.